On Friday, February 26, 2021, the California Supreme Court announced that this year’s bar exams would be held online. The tests will be administered July 27 and July 28, 2021.
An administrative order read “The circumstances surrounding the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in California continues to severely limit the state bar’s ability to the State Bar Exam in the traditional mass, in-person format…”
According to the order, passing scored for the General Bar Exam & Attorney’s Exam will be a total scaled score of 1390 of 2000 possible points.
This order supersedes the order issued on November 19, 2020.
The State Bar of California is accepting applications for the exam as of March 1, 2020. Full details are available on the Bar’s website here:
Understandably, many will be unhappy with this decision but at least the exam has not been delayed.